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Like These Signs of Pregnancy 6 Weeks

At 6 weeks pregnant, signs of pregnancy usually begin to appear and often cause discomfort. Generally at this time, some pregnant women will feel nausea, fatigue, and emotional instability. Although physically not so visible, pregnant women 6 weeks began to feel various kinds of changes in the body. Changes that occur during pregnancy are normal and are experienced by all pregnant women.

Changes in the Body of a Pregnant Woman 6 Weeks

In general, here are some common 6-week signs of pregnancy:
  • Fatigue

  • Fatigue is a common thing experienced by pregnant women 6 weeks or during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to changes in pregnancy hormones, one of which is high levels of progesterone in the body. If you start to feel tired, hurry to rest.
  • Nausea

  • In early pregnancy, nearly 70 percent of pregnant women experience nausea. This condition, known as morning sickness, is caused by the production of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone and also high levels of the hormone estrogen in the body. To overcome nausea during pregnancy, it is better to avoid foods that cause nausea, get used to eating and drinking in small portions but often, and get enough rest. If this has been done, but nausea and vomiting continue to be experienced or getting worse, consult a doctor. This could be a sign of the condition of hyperemesis gravidarum, which can be caused by many things, including having twins.
  • Breast pain

  • An increase in blood flow, can cause breast pain. This change occurs because the body is preparing to breastfeed.
  • Frequent urination

  • It is not uncommon for pregnant women to urinate frequently, because the HCG pregnancy hormone causes extra blood flow to the area around the pelvis. This condition is actually natural for pregnant women, but if it occurs continuously and urinate painful, you should immediately see a doctor. When entering 6 weeks of pregnancy, the risk for urinary tract infections is greater.
  • Bloated

  • High levels of the hormone progesterone can cause flatulence in pregnant women. To that end, multiply drinking and consumption of foods rich in fiber to avoid constipation which also contributes to the occurrence of flatulence.
  • Mood swings

  • Extreme emotional changes you will feel when the pregnancy enters the age of 6 weeks - 10 weeks (first trimester) and third trimester pregnancy. This extreme mood swings are caused by a variety of things, from stress, fatigue, changes in the body's metabolic system, to the influence of progesterone and estrogen levels in the body. If this is experienced, try to get enough rest, meditation, walks, or doing fun things with your partner.
  • Cramps and mild bleeding

  • Cramps and blood spots during early pregnancy are normal. It's just that watch out for severe cramps and heavy bleeding like during menstruation, because this condition can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Fetal Condition at 6 Weeks

Although it is not clear at the time of the ultrasound examination, this is about the condition of the fetus at 6 weeks:
  • Has the size of a pea in a shape that looks like a tadpole.
  • Organs, such as the eyes, nose, ears, arms and legs, begin to form.
  • Fetal muscles, bones, brain, and intestines begin to develop over time.
  • There began blood flow to his body.
  • Heart rate starts to sound, up to 100 -160 times per minute. This is almost twice as fast as an adult heartbeat.
After knowing the signs of 6 weeks pregnant, it is hoped that it will be easier for pregnant women to maintain health, as various body changes and the development of the baby in the womb. Consult your obstetrician regularly to monitor the condition of your pregnancy.
